The positives and negatives of online learning from a student perspective
April 21, 2020
In efforts to slow down the outbreak of COVID-19, schools across the nation have begun to transition from a physical school environment to online learning practices. Burlingame High School is just one among hundreds of schools that face the adjustment to online learning during this period.
Online learning is exactly what it sounds like. Students complete tasks at home that would normally be completed at school, such as projects and homework. Because this is a new practice to most high school students, there has been some backlash and struggle in adjusting to the new reality we face.
“It really hit me out of nowhere, the fact that school is potentially cancelled and we might be doing online school the rest of the year was a reality check,” senior Matthew Maslenko said.
There are many ways that students are approaching the new adopted online learning system. While some have taken the bull by the horns and are thriving in this new academic environment, others are experiencing difficulty adjusting.
“I have been fine with the school so far. The school aspect is truly not the worst; what sucks is I have not been able to hang out with my friends,” junior Dylan Dianna said.
Possibly one of the greatest cons of our transition to online learning is the absence of social contact. From not being at school, to the lack of time spent with classmates and your teacher, many students are having difficulty adjusting.
“Ending my senior year online is going to be weird and kind of sucks, I miss being at school as I only had about two months left with most of my friends,” Maslenko said.
However, there are also some obvious positives to the new online learning. Now, students are able to work at their own pace, at whatever time of day is most convenient. Another positive, for people who like using computers, most of the work is on the computer.
“Personally, I like working on my computer, so the work we are doing now has been a little bit easier since I am good with technology,” junior Isaac Frankel said.
One important new aspect of online learning is the responsibility over your own productivity. Minimizing distractions is key when taking online classes. That means setting your phone aside, finding a quiet and peaceful workplace, and staying on task on your computer (not wandering off to other websites).
Lastly, seniors are missing the last two months of their high school career due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Their final moments of high school, time they should have been spending with their friends and classmates, is being spent confined at home.
The COVID-19 outbreak has halted all of our lives, and caused intense changes to our academic careers. Ultimately, the responsibility of proceeding in these difficult times lies in the hands of our community.
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