Jeff Cole, Burlingame’s newest science teacher

Jeff Cole adds years of teaching experience to the Burlingame High School Science Department.
October 19, 2020
Jeff Cole is the newest member of the Science Department at Burlingame, teaching chemistry and biology.
Growing up in Clovis, a suburb of Fresno, Cole knew he wanted to be a teacher; however, he did not know what he wanted to teach. He originally thought he would like to become a history teacher, but as time went on, it became clear to him he wanted to teach chemistry.
“I find the problem solving fun, and the mystery and wonder behind it interesting,” Cole said.
He attended Fresno State University, and earned his teaching credentials there. His love for the unknown is evident in what he envisions for his future, as he wants to one day earn a PhD in philosophy and become a college professor in the subject.
Two years ago, after working in the Fresno Unified School District and at American Canyon High School in American Canyon, CA, Cole went back to school. He earned an accelerated bachelors degree from the University of Tennessee in nursing. This is his first teaching job since returning from the school.
When school sports are eligible to return, he will also help coach the Burlingame wrestling team, as he has done for 10 years at previous schools.
In his short time at Burlingame, he has been very impressed by the work ethic and self-motivation of his students.
“I’ve never seen anything like it before — doing work, and wanting to learn, even over Zoom… it’s impressive,” Cole said.