Kelsey Fjell-Watson
Kelsey Fjell-Walton, a new freshman biology teacher at Burlingame, previously taught at Humboldt State School for two years. Fjell-Walton has been working in the science department as a natural science teacher.
Burlingame is much larger than Humboldt, Fjell-Walton said, and she has many more students in her classes here. The biology teacher enjoys the larger population because it also allows for collaboration with co-workers in the science department.
“I have this entire department right next door, same thing, same level, so I can collaborate and get more ideas for class,” Walton said.
Welton’s favorite part of her job is watching her students grow.
“My favorite thing about teaching biology here… [is] how they learn and get excited about a class they understand and enjoy themselves in,” Walton said.