The Sit n’ Stitch club, an artisanal haven
Crocheting, knitting and other crafts can offer a wide range of benefits. It serves as an outlet for creativity, and a method of relaxing from a period of work or tension.
January 13, 2023
The Sit n’ Stitch club is a refuge for students with a knack for crafts and needlework. Led by co-founders junior Stella Wettan and sophomore Tova Ruben, the club serves as a space where students can stitch their projects and share their crafty creations.
Last school year, Ruben and Wettan each founded their own crocheting clubs — Ruben’s was the Sit n’ Stitch club, while Wettan ran the Knitters and Crocheters club. This year, the two clubs merged, forming a large community of crochet enthusiasts that meet in room A118 on Wednesdays.
Crocheting, knitting and embroidery fall under the umbrella term of needleworking, or textile crafts, which involve creating elaborate patterns from yarn or string. These patterns are much more than just simple lines of string, eventually taking the shape of intricate blankets, hats or even toys. Ruben, for example, enjoys making stuffed animals. The creation she had the most fun making was a crocheted doll.
“I’ve learned to crochet over COVID because I was bored,” Ruben said. “I’ve liked to sew and knit for a while and crocheting seems like it’s another great way to make toys like stuffed animals.”
What’s great about stitching is the low barrier to entry: It’s easy to learn and easy to enjoy. The club welcomes new members, whether they know how to stitch or not. Freshman Ellora Horan, a member of the club, originally did not know how to crochet. After joining Sit n’ Stitch, Horan learned from her friend and even made some things with her new hobby.
“I thought it was really cool that I could make my own stuff with crochet,” Horan said, “so I made a hat and a stuffed whale.”
The art of needlework also helps with stress. The simple rhythm of stitching occupies the mind and takes away from the pressure and tension of daily life. When assignments pile up and projects are due, The Sit n’ Stitch club provides students with a community that helps take their minds off academic and extracurricular stresses and focuses them on a rewarding hobby.
“The goal of the Sit n’ Stitch is to have a community for knitters, crocheters, felters, sewers or any crafters of any level of experience to learn and share,” Ruben said. “It is a great community to talk to, craft with and learn from.”
Tyler Jamieson • Feb 1, 2023 at 7:29 am
Absolutely love this article. As a yarn enthusiast, I picked up crocheting about 10 years ago; I consider it a form of stress therapy
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