Three prom-posal ideas for this year’s big dance

Photo courtesy of Archer Grenier

Seniors Archer Grenier and Malia Schmidt embrace after a successful prom-posal!

Danny Conway, Staff Reporter

Hey there, lovebirds! Prom is quickly approaching, but don’t fret if you are dateless! I am here to help. 

There is no shame in going to a dance on your own or with a group of friends, but those who are yearning for a romantic evening need to make their “prom-posal” bold, memorable and charming. 

There are several ways to go about asking someone to a dance, and as a bachelor who has been to my fair share of balls, I have the experience under my belt to provide insightful advice. 

In my mind, there are three ways to ask someone to a dance: 

The traditional poster

The tried-and-true prom-posal method is via poster. Illustrating a poster, brainstorming a creative pun and presenting it to your desired date takes some courage. It is the most public way to ask someone to a dance, but that’s kind of the whole point. There will likely be many cameras and eyes on you when you present it to your special someone. Rarely does the person with the poster get rejected, but given how public your promposal is, the likelihood of disaster and humiliation is high if you are turned down. I’m sure you won’t be, though.

Most posters involve some sort of pun, and while I admittedly am not a huge fan of puns, here’s an example: say your desired date has a potassium deficiency and always has to eat bananas. Make a poster that says “I’m BANANAS for you, go to prom with me?” Hahaha! I just chuckled at that comical pun, and I have to say, I would be very charmed if that poster was presented to me. 

Write a song

Who doesn’t love music? There’s nothing more romantic than crooning a tune to your love interest under the moonlight. It doesn’t take a traditionally amazing voice to perform a ballad. If you put your heart into the performance, your passion will make up for any lack of pitch.


Asking someone to prom via text message is the most cowardly way to “prom-pose” — if you can even call it a proposal. With that being said, it’s certainly the easiest option, and it makes sense why I used this method last year. Asking someone to prom online makes rejection a very real possibility, since there is less guilt rejecting someone virtually than directly to their face, but it dramatically reduces the possibility of public humiliation. 

It’s important to make the person you are promposing to feel special and wanted. I have personally learned this the hard way. I encourage you all to take the leap of faith and ask someone to prom, in a memorable manner.