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The Student News Site of Burlingame High School

The Burlingame B

The Student News Site of Burlingame High School

The Burlingame B

The Student News Site of Burlingame High School

The Burlingame B

William Chastain

William Chastain, Staff Reporter

William Chastain is a sophomore at BHS and a journalism student. He loves political science and is even working with the University of Paris to study foreign interference in US elections. William also enjoys editing videos, speedrunning different categories in Minecraft: Java Edition, and reading non-fiction books. He plans to work as either a software engineer or as a political scientist/academic.

All content by William Chastain
Lincoln Elementary School, like other elementary schools, will soon reopen in-person instruction under Newsom’s reopening plan.

How Newsom’s plan to reopen schools has affected students and teachers

William Chastain, Staff Reporter
February 9, 2021

Gov. Gavin Newsom plans to allow elementary schools to reopen once their counties reach the purple tier. Reopening will begin with kindergarten through second grade, and proceed to older grades soon after....

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Listening to music in class allows students to tune out distractions and focus more on their work.

Listening to music during class should not only be allowed, but encouraged

William Chastain, Staff Reporter
January 7, 2021

Listening to music during class was always a risky move, especially back in middle school, when it seemed like the only goal of the teacher was to snuff out the students with one AirPod in their ear listening...

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Discord is a service used to chat with friends and colleagues digitally, which has recently become more popular as a result of social distancing.

Discord: A new method of communication during social distancing

William Chastain, Staff Reporter
December 7, 2020

Discord is a service used to chat with friends and colleagues digitally, which has recently become more popular as a result of social distancing.

Kevin Skelly is the superintendent of the San Mateo Union High School District.

Pandemic shifts Superintendent Skelly’s responsibilities

William Chastain, Staff Reporter
October 28, 2020

Superintendent Kevin Skelly has been on the frontlines of the battle to support students and families during the  COVID-19 school shutdown. As the superintendent of a large school district, it is his...

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