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The Student News Site of Burlingame High School

The Burlingame B

The Student News Site of Burlingame High School

The Burlingame B

The Student News Site of Burlingame High School

The Burlingame B

Isabel Liu

Isabel Liu, Copy Editor

Isabel Liu is a senior at Burlingame High School and a second-year journalism student. She’s thrilled to be the copy editor for the Burlingame B this year. If she’s not laboring over a Google doc, you’ll probably find her walking (read: chasing) her dog, doodling, or hanging out at the Asian Art Museum.

All content by Isabel Liu
Since the staff shortages of the pandemic, minimum-wage service industry employers have turned to teenagers to fill job vacancies. Students working in understaffed businesses have to juggle school work, personal lives and the atypical expectations of their jobs.

Students in understaffed businesses meet both unexpected pressures and benefits

Isabel Liu, Copy Editor
November 17, 2022

Truedan, a popular bubble tea shop in downtown Burlingame, hired senior Jayden Entenmann at the beginning of August. But by Entenmann’s third week on the job, Truedan was relying on a team of just four...

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The Tanforan mall currently features more than 90 stores and a Century Theaters. The 44-acre property will be turned into 1,000 housing units and a biotech campus.

Tanforan: from internment camp to mall to biotech campus

Isabel Liu, Copy Editor
April 25, 2022

Due to various company bankruptcies and the rising trend of online shopping accelerated by COVID-19, the San Bruno City Council has authorized the closing of The Shops at Tanforan and Tanforan Century...

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People mill around in Chinatown, San Francisco. Established in the 1850s, Chinatown is a cultural center with a densely populated area with 15,000 residents and many tourists.

How the Chinese Exclusion Act matters to Burlingame

Isabel Liu, Copy Editor
December 10, 2021

In the light of recent anti-Asian violence, many Californian communities took on a conversation confronting the past. The city of San Jose apologized to Chinese immigrants in September by acknowledging...

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Andrea Mosqueda

Andrea Mosqueda

Isabel Liu, Copy Editor
October 7, 2021

Andrea “Andi” Mosqueda is Burlingame’s new health technician. She keeps track of student health records, helps ill or injured students and deals with students that are sick or handling COVID-19 issues. Previously,...

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Elizabeth Wall

Elizabeth Wall

Isabel Liu, Copy Editor
October 6, 2021

Elizabeth Wall brings compassion and personal experience to her new position as Burlingame’s special education teacher. Currently, she teaches specialized academic instruction, U.S. government and directed...

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